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2022 Season of Creation: Listen to the Voice of Creation

September 1st, 2022

(Photo courtesy of Jaime Reimer, Pexels)

The 2022 Season of Creation observance begins on September 1 and ends on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Oct. 4, The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to listen and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray and protect our common home.  The observance this year will unite around the theme, “Listen to the Voice of Creation.”

May this 2022 Season of Creation renew our ecumenical unity, renewing and uniting us by our bond of Peace in one Spirit, in our call to care for our common home. And may this season of prayer and action be a time to Listen to the Voice of Creation, so that our lives in words and deeds proclaim good news for all the Earth. 


(READ Fr. Harry Winter, OMI’s article “Christian Unity and JPIC Bond in the Season of Creation“)

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