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Important Eastern Orthodox “Declaration” Unites Most Christians Against President Putin and Patriarch Kirill March 31st, 2022

By Fr. Harry Winter, O.M.I.
Eastern Orthodox Christians, and the various Eastern Christian Churches united with Rome, are extremely important in the work of Evangelization, Ecumenism and Dialogue with other religions. But their diversity of language and culture sometimes prevents them from doing this.
Paradoxically, the efforts by Russia’s President Putin and the Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill, to take over the Ukraine has provoked the vast majority of Eastern Orthodox leaders, on March 13, 2022, to issue a document against Putin and Kirill, “A Declaration on the ‘Russian World’ Teaching” 
Read the full article at OMIUSA.ORG.

World Water Day celebrates Water & Awareness of the Global Water Crisis: By Bishop Emeritus, Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI March 30th, 2022

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World Water Day, March 22nd focuses on the most essential element of all life which is water. The value of water is much more than its price – water has an enormous and complex value for all our households, food, culture, health, education, economics, and the integrity of our natural environment.

World Water Day is an annual United Nations Observance, started in 1993 and focuses on the importance of water. World water day celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2 billion people living without access to water. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis. The theme of World Water Day 2022 is GROUNDWATER – MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE. Groundwater is invisible but its impact is visible everywhere. Almost all the liquid water in the world is underground. Water day is to inspire action towards sustainable development: Water and sanitation for all by 2030.

We love water and it goes without saying that we love our planet, so World Water Day isn’t just a celebration of water but a global reminder that water and climate change are inextricably linked. Water is under extreme threat from a growing population, increasing demands of agriculture and industry and the worsening impact of climate change. According to the UN there are 129 countries not on track to have sustainably manage water resources by 2030 and the current rate of progress must be doubled. Read the full statement.

Lenten Prayer Service to Renew Our Communities March 23rd, 2022

Cross in the Mountains and Coast Lines
Lenten Prayer Service to Renew Our Communities

As you prayerfully observe Lent, here is a helpful resource inspired by Laudato Si. Thanks to the Greenteam at Sacred Heart Church for contributing this resource!
Download Stations of the Cross:

Sponsored By:
From the Catholic Committee of Appalachia
Christians for the Mountains
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition West Virginia Council of Churches
And adapted by
Sacred Heart, Oakland CA

Click here to read more »

Kokotek, Poland: Polish Provincial Visits Refugees from Ukraine March 18th, 2022

Almost 130 Ukrainians found refuge in the Oblates’ retreat house in Kokotka, Poland.

On Sunday, the Provincial of the Polish Province visited war refugees from Ukraine who found refuge in the Oblate Youth Center in Kokotka, Poland. Currently, nearly 130 people are staying here, including about 60 children. Their stay and maintenance is financed by the Polish Province and private donors.

Father Paweł Zając, OMI celebrated the Eucharist for those willing. In a word addressed to the faithful, he noted that for the first time Holy Mass was celebrated in the chapel of the Oblate youth center, which was still under construction. He compared the construction of this most important place for the OCM to the building of the Church community that we all are. Our task is to build a new world in which love will replace hate, joy will replace sadness, and we will not pay back evil for evil. Holy Mass was celebrated for the good stay of guests from Ukraine in Kokotka and for peace across our eastern border. In addition to the Ukrainians, the Eucharist was attended by several employees of the Oblate Youth Center, who help the guests of the center on a daily basis, and people who support the Oblate help. Read the full story.

2022 Ash Wednesday: Let Us Fast for Peace March 2nd, 2022

Pope Francis has asked all of us to offer our Ash Wednesday fast for peace in Ukraine.

Let us offer our sacrifices, prayers, and actions of this day for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and for an end to war. Jesus, Prince of Peace, hear our prayer.



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