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Focus Areas: Integrity of Creation
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Vatican and Other Religious Statements

Pope’s 2015 Visit to the US
Address of the Holy Father to the US Congress, Washington, DC September 2015
Address of the Holy Father to the United Nations General Assembly, New York, September 2015

Integrity of Creation
Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis for the establishment of the “world day of prayer for the care of creation”
Vatican High Level Event on Climate Change
Laudato Si: On Care For Our Common Home, 2015
Statement on the Occasion of the Promulgation of Laudato Si’, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz
Archbishop of Louisville, Kentucky President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,  2015

Death Penalty

2015 USCCB Chairmen Call For Recommitment To Bishop’s Catholic Campaign To End The Use Of The Death Penalty
2015 Bishops’ Migration Chair: U.S. Should Welcome Syrian Refugees, Work For Peace 

Migrants and Refugees
2017 Message of his holiness pope Francis for the world day of migrants and refugees
Bishops Along Northern Mexico And Texas Border Issue Statement On Immigration
2015 Archbishop Kurtz Calls For Welcoming Of Refugees Fleeing Syria
2012 Statement On Comprehensive Immigration Reform
2011 USCCB Statement On The DREAM Act
2011 Archbishop Gomez Statement On H2-A Visa Program April 13, 2011
2010 Statement On Anti-Muslim Prejudice

World Day of Peace
2016 message of his holiness pope Francis for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 

Respect Life
“Moved by Mercy” Respect Life Statement, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, October 2016
2015 USCCB Chairmen Call For Recommitment To Bishop’s Catholic Campaign To End The Use Of The Death Penalty

Labor Day
2016 Labor Day Statement by U.S. Catholic Bishops
2015 Labor Day Statement by U.S. Catholic Bishops: Importance Of Work In Building And Supporting Families
2014 Labor Day Statement by U.S. Catholic Bishop
2013 Labor Day Statement by U.S. Catholic Bishop



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