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Each Wednesday in Lent… March 7th, 2014

1901407_1428006570776240_713257666_nIt’s the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, a period for sacrifice, prayer and almsgiving. You are invited to join in the Fast 4 Families every Wednesday as a sacrifice and solidarity for immigration reform.

Take the pledge here: Fast every Wednesday during the season of Lent as an act of witness to the fierce moral urgency of protecting immigrant families that are torn apart every day.





Oblates Visit Fast4Families on the National Mall November 26th, 2013


Fr. Antonio with one of the staff at Fast4Families on the National Mall

As a way to raise public awareness and pressure Members of Congress to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation, Fast4Families has a group of ten people fasting in a tent on the National Mall, just a few yards away from the Capitol. Besides fasting, this group of people is also holding meetings with political leaders and community organizers, and organizing activities to encourage more people to press for immigration reform. “We hunger for an end to the system that brings so much suffering and pain to so many. We are fasting not out of anger or despair, but out of hope”, said Eliseo Medina, one of the ten people who are fasting. On Wednesday, November 20, Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI and JPIC staff were able to drop by to show support to those who are fasting, and help the staff with some translation.

Learn more about Fast4Families..


Launch of Fast4Families: A Call for Immigration Reform and Citizenship November 12th, 2013

10257779164_6939baf884_bOn Tuesday, November 12, faith, labor leaders and immigrant right organization launched Fast4Families to put pressure on the leadership in the House of Representatives to bring to the floor for a vote on bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill this year.

In Washington, DC the fast will run from November 12 to December 12 at the “fasting tent” on the National Mall. The fast will be in conjunction with dozens of local and solidarity fasts, events, and actions already underway in key congressional districts across the country.

If you can’t make it to DC, you are invited to stand in solidarity to fast and pray for comprehensive immigration reform. Let us know what day (November 12 to December 12) you will be fasting for comprehensive immigration reform.

More information on fast prayer samples, declaration and Fast4Families events within your state visit:


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