Faith Consistent Investing
Both domestically and internationally, the reach and the influence of the private corporation continues to grow. This is true not only in the manufacture and delivery of goods and services but also in the provision of employment and the facilitation of investment in local communities. It is also true when we consider the footprint that a corporation leaves on the environment and the natural resources needed to sustain local communities. Corporations furthermore exercise significant influence on the values and the wisdom that sustain their stakeholders: employees, families, customers and the regions where they operate.
The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, through socially responsible investing, seeks to promote a more equitable and sustainable world. This is accomplished by the exercise of a prudent stewardship over the financial resources which have been entrusted into our care through the OIP Investment Trust, for the support of our mission and steadfast commitment to social and environmental issues.

The OIP Investment Trust is a professionally managed diversified investment fund entrusted with the financial resources of more than 200 Roman Catholic organizations located in over 55 countries. The fund implements a faith consistent and socially responsible investment mandate, which in addition to screening out prohibited investments, engages global advocacy work in the areas of human rights, environment, employee rights and working conditions, sustainable and community approved extractive projects, and governance. The fund has initiated a program of proactive investments that encourage and foster socially beneficial objectives and sustainable communities. The OIP Investment Trust is recognized as a tax exempt 501(c)(3) charitable religious nonprofit in the United States benefitting from the reciprocal tax treaties gaining similar recognition in most countries.
Visit the OIP Investment Trust’s website.
As a religious institutional investor with access to the world’s largest corporations, we seek to address the pressing social, environmental and economic issues of the day. Through active shareholder advocacy we continue to challenge corporations to pay attention to the issues of global labor, human rights, access to capital, predatory lending, HIV/AIDS, global warming and environmental justice.
We work to encourage and challenge the business community to develop corporate practices that safeguard and sustain our common global life and enhance shareholder value. Furthermore, when we consider the ongoing pressure to privatize not only the provision of certain services like garbage collection, street maintenance and transportation, but also the delivery of basic life necessities like water, education, healthcare and emergency services in many regions of the world, we begin to understand why the exercise of active ownership is an important and effective tool.
All of our shareholder initiatives are coordinated through our membership in the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, and in partnership with other faith based and socially responsible investors.
Learn more about our work in Faith Consistent Investing:
Access to Health
Supply Chain Issues (Labor conditions, Environmental degradation)
Corporate Governance
Enabling Access to Capital
Global Warming
Human Rights
Human Trafficking