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Faith Groups Work to Prevent Human Trafficking During the 2010 World Cup Events in South Africa

May 7th, 2010

ctip_poster_color_logo_smallThe Oblate JPIC Office is working in solidarity with the efforts of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (Church on the Ball), and local initiatives by the Leaders of Consecrated Religious Life (SA) and the South African Council of Churches to counter human trafficking in South Africa during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

For multinational corporations who are long time sponsors of the FIFA World Cup, this event could be an opportunity to move beyond the usual sponsorship efforts of selling brands and expanding their markets. Official corporate sponsors of the FIFA World Cup are being asked to use the occasion of the World Cup 2010 to be part of the solution to eliminate human trafficking.

Christian Brothers Investment Services has initiated a shareholder advocacy campaign, supported by the Oblate JPIC Office, to engage multinational corporations on the issue of human trafficking during the 2010 Soccer World Cup events in South Africa. The Soccer World Cup runs from June 11 to July 11 and is expected to bring thousands of fans and to visitors to South Africa. With so many people in one event, there is an increased potential for human trafficking.

The Christian Brothers campaign has generated letters signed by over 300 faith-based shareholders and groups from around the world to Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of hotel chains, soft drink beverages and technology companies. The letters ask the companies to take immediate action to prevent sexual exploitation of children and women. Companies are also being asked to educate employees on issues of human trafficking, to train staff in how to identify potential victims and report incidents to the proper authorities and to inform guests of the penalties imposed for human trafficking and the sexual abuse of children under local and national law.

For more information on the corporate campaign, please visit the Christian Brothers Investment Services website at:

The JPIC Office is working with Oblates in South Africa to raise awareness of this issue.

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